High seats CWD stalking Pere David deer Roe Deer Stalking - Norfolk & Dorset Sika Deer Stalking - Dorset Fallow Deer Stalking - Norfolk Muntjac Deer Stalking - Norfolk, Chinese Water Deer Stalking - Bedfordshire
Red Deer Stalking - Norfolk & Scotland Roe Deer Stalking - Norfolk & Dorset Sika Deer Stalking - Dorset Fallow Deer Stalking - Norfolk Muntjac Deer Stalking - Norfolk, Chinese Water Deer Stalking - Bedfordshire deer Hockham Deer Management Group HDMG Deer Management Service Landowners Advisory Management Crop protection Forestry Farming Wild deer
We had a storming weekend at The Midlands, the weather was perfect and the crowds were out. Our stand was busy as usual, we had the most bookings ever so all our hard work and lack of sleep has paid off! It was lovely to chat to everyone, old faces and new, the tea and banter were flowing and we are really looking forward to the season ahead. It was great to catch up with our friends at Huntershill Safaris, it sounds like they had a cracking weekend too. A big thank you to the lads for all their help at the weekend. And special thanks to Kit for the amazing food, 5 star dining whilst camping cant be bad! Roll on next year!!
It's that time of year again! And we are all systems go, getting everything ready to head to the Midland Game Fair at the weekend. We are all really looking forward to seeing everyone, old faces and new, so please come in and see us for a chat and maybe even a cup of tea! We are at stand A27 on Gunmakers Row - See you there!!
I would like to express my sincere thanks to everyone for their support through not only the last few weeks but for the last few months. The offers of help and support have been overwhelming. It has been a real tribute to Mark to realise the extent of peoples respect and admiration for him and how many lives he had influenced and been a part of. The sheer number of letters, cards, emails, texts and phonecalls have been unbelievable and the stories and tales have been a real comfort and have certainly raised a few smiles! I would like to thank everyone who attended his funeral service, people travelled from all corners of the country to be there and just proved to us what a truly respected man Mark was. We would also like to thank everyone for their generous donations in memory of Mark, so far we have raised an amazing£1203.49! The collection will be divided equally between Cancer Research UK, The Colney Centre (at Norfolk & Norwich Hospital) and East Anglian Air Ambulance - a charity Mark had supported for years because (in Marks words) 'If I broke my leg out in the field that's who would come to help'!!
It is with deep sadness that I inform you all of the sad loss of Mr Mark Jackson Snr. who died on Monday the 13th of May 2013 having bravely fought cancer for the last year.
In 2004 Mark gathered together a group of like-minded people interested in deer stalking and the management of deer and so HDMG was born. Mark was a keen countryman interested in all aspects of country life and hunting, always willing to impart his vast knowledge of deer management, stalking deer, game keeping, vermin control and the use of dogs for tracking deer. He was especially fond of working his beloved GWP Max, tracking deer whenever the need arose and accounting for many deer that would otherwise have been lost. Mark also had a great passion for sea fishing, which he shared with Kerrie on their annual holiday, this was a release from their hectic lifestyle of managing work, dogs, deer, clients and of course all of us on the HDMG team.
I arrived at the Park this morning (22/05/12) to find not one but two new calves!! Both were up and about and looking slightly wobbly. Our two year old hinds, Georgie & Raggles, had both had a calf on the same day. We returned later, armed with the camera, and found one laid up in a patch of nettles and the other by the fence. Mums were soon over to see what we were up to and after a quick feed they took them off towards the other hinds and calf, so we managed to get all 3 calves in one photo (see below).
Despite the horrendous weather we had a great weekend, spirits weren’t dampened by the incessant rain and the banter was flowing. All of the candidates shot well down at the range from different shooting positions and with different rifles. We saw more deer than expected in the wet and windy conditions and four out of the five candidates got a shot. Two were shot on the Saturday evening and the young Red stag was taken back to the larder for the ‘gralloching lesson’. Everyone got their hands dirty and had a go despite being wet, cold and ready for a beer!
We have our first calf of the year! We are not sure whether it was born late yesterday or early this morning (17/04/12) but the weather is hideous - strong wind and heavy rain, so we hope it will be OK. Its mum was sheltering it from the elements so we didn’t disturb them. We will keep you posted on the sex of it and how it is fairing, the weather is set to stay for the week by the look of the forecast so fingers crossed it will be OK. See the Pere David Diary page for more pictures.
It is a sign of recognition in your field when people or companies start to claim to be responsible or instrumental in your success, however large or small that may be. However, Hockham Deer Manangement Groups success, or whatever you wish to call it, is due to no one other than the existing team, who's honesty, loyalty, integrity & enthusiasm for deer have actually made HDMG what it is today.
So to all the team at HDMG, you should be flattered, no, proud that other people wish to be associated with us and to take credit for our hard work and commitment.
Well done to all of you and keep up the good work!
HDMG is set to run a new course for Novices in 2012. 'Introduction to Deer Stalking Course' is a practical course tailored to meet the needs of people interested in deer stalking but unsure where to start. It gives novices a chance to learn in a safe and relaxed environment with opportunities to observe, stalk and shoot wild deer and also to learn the practical, safety and hygiene issues surrounding deer stalking. For further information have a look on our 'Courses'page.
We had another fantastic show at the Midlands, we thoroughly enjoyed meeting new faces and catching up with the old ones. A huge thank you to all the team who put a lot of time and effort into the whole weekend. Also a special thank you to Steve, Paul & Mia. Steve & Paul are regular clients of ours who gave up precious shopping time to come on the stand on both days to give a clients perspective on HDMG, Mia kept us topped up with teas & coffees and cleared up from the aftermath of breakfasts!! We were all exhausted after a busy weekend but in Eddies words - ' How can you call talking about deer, stalking, guns & ammo all weekend and then have a drink with your mates in the evening, work?!' ...I couldnt agree more!
See you next year!!
We've done it again! Calf number three for 2011 arrived on Thursday (02-06-11). Believe it or not he was born in the wallow with all the other deer around, the stags have started rutting and our guess is that the stag wouldn't let mum go off on her own during labour. Anyway, he is no worse for it, and is mingling in well with the rest of the herd! You can see (in the photo below) how much Minnie and Zulu have grown in two months, they look enormous compared to him!
We dont expect this sort of weather at this time of year and our Pere David deer were really feeling the heat. With no rain for several weeks their wallow had dried up and they were finding it hard to cool down. Pumping the water out of a nearby source we were able to fill their wallow with water and soak some of the other areas in the hope that they may create another wallow to cool down in. Ensuring they have plenty of fresh clean water is especially important when the mothers are still feeding the calves. As you can see they seemed to appreciate our hard work!
Minnie & Zulu, this years Pere David calves, are making the most of the cool morning, chasing around the field with not a care in the world! They appear to be inseperable now and dont seem to be bothered where their mums are, except for at feeding time! They especially enjoyed jumping around in the wallow after we had filled it with water (see above).
First Calf for 2011
New Highseats for a New Season
Some of the HDMG Field Operators enjoyed a team-building exercise this month - highseat construction! We managed to replace 2 of the existing highseats and also put another one up in a new location. It certainly tested our team work skills! We would especially like to thank Kit for keeping us supplied with tea and biscuits!!
If you like the look of the seats and would like to order one for yourself please contact Mark for further details. Tel: 07885 949352
Congratulations Martin !
Taxidermist, Martin Berndt took third place in the 8th European Championship 2010 with his Chinese Water Deer mount.
Martin. from Germany, shot the CWD on HDMG land in January and got to work straight away to get the mount ready to enter into the European Championship.
He was thrilled with the result and, as you can see it is well deserved. We are looking forward to seeing the shoulder mounts of the Muntjac buck and doe he shot with us in March.