Live Capture

The Hockham Deer Management Group Live Capture Unit are a unique team of trained individuals whose responsibility is to provide a highly professional live capture and darting services to Deer Parks, Deer Farms and Wildlife Parks Live Capture Hockham Deer Management Group Zoos Live Capture Tagging Immobilisation De-antlering HDMG Transportation Darting Veterinary Treatment Deer Deer Parks Deer Farms Wildlife parks

Red Deer Stalking - Norfolk & Scotland Roe Deer Stalking - Norfolk & Dorset Sika Deer Stalking - Dorset Fallow Deer Stalking - Norfolk Muntjac Deer Stalking - Norfolk, Chinese Water Deer Stalking - Bedfordshire deer Hockham Deer Management Group HDMG Deer Management Service Landowners Advisory Management Crop protection Forestry Farming Wild deer

Live Capture

Live Capture & Immobilisation is a highly specialised role within the HDMG service sector.  Working closely with the Veterinary profession, HDMG provides a unique service to Vets, Police, Zoos, Wildlife Parks, Deer parks, Deer farms and Research agencies.

The HDMG Live Capture Unit are a unique team of trained individuals whose responsibility is to provide a highly professional live capture and darting service, the corner stones of which are human safety and animal welfare.

Live capture - deer
Darting a Sika stag

Temporary raceways for deer
Erecting a temporary raceway

The live capture of animals requires a high degree of skill in several areas which include the use of tranquiliser rifles for darting and the construction of permanent and semi-permanent catch systems.

Because of the highly specialised nature of live capture, training is vitally important if operator/public safety and animal welfare are not to be compromised. HDMG is dedicated to raising the standards of live capture practice and techniques to reduce potential risks to animals or humans through inexperience.

HDMG provide Live Capture & Immobilisation Services for:

Veterinary treatment
Health Monitoring

Darting Fallow deer
Darted Fallow buck

De-antlering Red deer
De-antlering Red stag

Muntjac Live capture
Muntjac Live Capture

Transporting deer
Transporting deer