Stalking Deer Stalking Deer Stalker Estate rifle novice cull trophy Chinese Water Deer Stalking rifle experienced stalker DSC1 qualified deer stalker carcass carcase

Red Deer Stalking - Norfolk & Scotland Roe Deer Stalking - Norfolk & Dorset Sika Deer Stalking - Dorset Fallow Deer Stalking - Norfolk Muntjac Deer Stalking - Norfolk, Chinese Water Deer Stalking - Bedfordshire deer Hockham Deer Management Group HDMG Deer Management Service Landowners Advisory Management Crop protection Forestry Farming Wild deer

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to be experienced, qualified and have my own rifle to come stalking with HDMG?
No, we frequently take out complete novice stalkers some of which have never shot a high powered rifle before. We can provide an Estate Rifle, for those who don’t have their own, and we always take you to the range prior to the stalk so that you can get accustomed to rifle you will be using. For novices, we will teach you safety awareness and the skills required when using a rifle and will ensure that you are competent and confident before taking you out stalking.

I’m not a trophy hunter and so only want to shoot cull animals. What if a trophy head presents itself, do I have to shoot it?

There is no pressure to shoot anything that you don’t want to, or have not budgeted for. We manage the populations by culling the females and poorer quality males so  we always have opportunities for shooting cull animals. We do have good quality heads available but the majority of our clients are looking for cull animals and are interested in the experience of the stalk rather than the trophy.

Can I take the carcass home with me and is it included in the trophy price?
Yes you can take the carcass with you, we charge £1/lb for the whole carcass with the skin on. Skinning and butchering of the carcass can be done on request and is charged at £1.50/lb.

Can you recommend any local accommodation?
We include an Accommodation List in the Booking Confirmation pack that we send out after a stalk date has been arranged. You can request a list prior to this or look on our Links page for direct links to some of the accommodation websites.

What do I need to bring with me?
Dull coloured clothing to suit the time of year, made of a quiet fabric.
Sturdy, waterproof boots or wellies
Binoculars (though these can be provided if requested in advance)

If I decide to get my trophy mounted can you arrange this for me?
We charge from £35-£65 for skull mounts (depending on size and species), this includes the shield. If you’re thinking of a shoulder mount then we can cape out the deer and send the cape to a recommended taxidermist, we don’t charge any extra for this service, only postage, but the taxidermy bill will vary according to species, size and postage costs. We can obtain an estimate prior to your decision to mount it.

Range shooting
Red Stag Stalking
Skinning deer
Red Deer Trophy Mount